Awards Page - Mariano Ortu's Website

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Speedcrypt File Encryption Reviews
Awards Page...
Awards, Ratings and Opinions
On this page you will find reviews, opinions and awards given to my Open Source Software. These are very young Projects, recently introduced on the internet but which are already starting to have a constant and notable diffusion. I thank all the Webmasters who have reviewed and awarded my software in the world. I also thank all the users who download, appreciate and use my software. Thank you very much to everyone!
  • Awards and Ratings
  • Webmasters Opinions
  • User Opinions

"Congratulations! EasyHash has just been recognized with a Rising Star award by SourceForge. This honor is awarded only to select projects that have reached significant milestones in terms of downloads and user engagement from the SourceForge community.
This is a big achievement, as your project has qualified for this award out of over 500,000 open source projects on SourceForge. SourceForge sees nearly 20 million users per month looking for, and developing, open source software."

"This user-friendly software offers a simple and intuitive interface, making it accessible to users of all levels of technical expertise. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, EasyHash provides a seamless experience for encrypting and decrypting files with just a few clicks".

"In addition to its impressive speed, EasyHash also offers a wide range of hashing algorithms to choose from, giving users the flexibility to customize their encryption methods to suit their specific needs".
Webmasters Opinions:

MajorGeeks.Com in his article Review: 'EasyHash 1.0':
"EasyHash is a user-friendly portable tool designed to help you generate hash values for files and text. By using EasyHash, you can easily calculate hash values quickly and efficiently. EasyHash is a highly efficient HASH Calculator with a remarkably swift processing speed. It features an intuitive user interface that offers multiple methods for importing files and enables quick text input, making it incredibly user-friendly and adaptable to various use cases".

Mihaela Teodorovici at in his article Review: 'EasyHash:
"Generating and comparing checksums is the proper way to verify a file’s integrity and check whether the data has been tampered with. Providing support for some of the most popular hash codes, EasyHash delivers a quick and simple means of generating checksum data for both files and texts.". in his article Review: 'EasyHash 1.0'
"EasyHash, developed by Mariano Ortu, is a lightweight yet powerful utility designed to simplify the process of generating cryptographic hashes. This software caters to both novice users and seasoned professionals who require a reliable tool for verifying file integrity and ensuring data security". in his article Review: 'EasyHash 1.1'
In summary, EasyHash by Mariano Ortu is an exceptional tool for anyone in need of a reliable, efficient, and user-friendly hashing utility. Its combination of a clean interface, robust algorithm support, and high performance makes it a standout choice in the realm of cryptographic hashing tools. Whether you are a casual user looking to verify file integrity or a professional needing a dependable security tool, EasyHash is a commendable option that delivers on its promises.


"Congratulations! SecureDel has just been recognized with a Rising Star award by SourceForge. This honor is awarded only to select projects that have reached significant milestones in terms of downloads and user engagement from the SourceForge community.
This is a big achievement, as your project has qualified for this award out of over 500,000 open source projects on SourceForge. SourceForge sees nearly 20 million users per month looking for, and developing, open source software."

"SecureDel is a powerful software designed to securely delete sensitive files and folders from your computer. With its advanced algorithms, SecureDel ensures that your data is permanently erased, leaving no trace behind".

"With SecureDel, you can rest assured that your data is safe and secure. Say goodbye to worrying about prying eyes accessing your confidential information – SecureDel has got you covered".

"Annunciamo con piacere che SecureDel è stato selezionato dalla redazione di Mooseek, web directory che indicizza ed organizza i migliori siti, i software, le applicazioni e le migliori risorse presenti sul web, come migliore del giorno 13/09/2024"
Webmasters Opinions:

MajorGeeks.Com in his article Review: 'SecureDel 1.2':
"SecureDel streamlines the overwriting process, enabling users to specify the number of repetitions to ensure complete eradication of file data. By utilizing cutting-edge deletion algorithms (DOD, Gutmann, etc.) widely adopted in the developer community, SecureDel offers a comprehensive solution for permanently deleting all file types from your hard drive. These algorithms have undergone rigorous testing and have proven highly effective in rendering data irrecoverable".

Roberto Zamfir at in his article Review: 'SecureDel':
"Depending on how thorough you wish to be when it comes to disposing of digital documents and to whom you plan to donate the hard drives to, SecureDel may be the right tool for your needs, thanks to its portable form factor and deletion protocols based on the US Department of Defense’s standards". in his article Review 'SecureDel : Securely Erase Files from Windows PC'
"If you want to securely delete your files, then you can use a software like SecureDel. It can overwrite the contents of the files several times with random data before deleting them. This makes it impossible for anyone to recover those files at a later time." in his article Review: 'SecureDel 1.2'
"In summary, SecureDel by Mariano Ortu is a powerful and reliable tool for anyone looking to ensure the complete and irreversible deletion of sensitive files. Its combination of advanced deletion algorithms, user-friendly interface, and robust security features make it an essential addition to any data protection toolkit. Whether for personal use or within a corporate environment, SecureDel provides the confidence that your data remains private and secure". in his article Review: 'SecureDel 1.2'
"Возможности SecureDel довольно сильно впечатляют для такого размера. Приложение использует один из пяти различных алгоритмов удаления, включая широко распространенные методы DOD и Gutmann, для безвозвратного удаления файлов с вашего носителя, жесткого диска или мягкого не важно. Эти алгоритмы были тщательно протестированы и доказали свою высокую эффективность в обеспечении невозможности восстановления данных. таким образом, как только файл будет удален с помощью SecureDel, он исчезнет навсегда - никто не сможет его восстановить, даже с помощью самых современных инструментов восстановления данных, так уверяет автор, а мы ему верим". in his article Review: 'SecureDel 1.1'
SecureDel 1.1 نام یک ابزار جدید، کاربردی و مفید در زمینه‌ی حذف غیرقابل بازگشت اطلاعات است. اگر که در سیستم و یا هارد درایو خود شمار بسیاری از فایل‌های محرمانه را نگهداری می‌کنید که بسته به شرایط موجود، لازم است که سیستم یا هارد درایو خود را در اختیار فرد دیگری قرار دهید، احتمالا نیاز دارید که فایل‌های شخصی و محرمانه خود را به طور کامل از سیستم حذف کنید. با این کار، دیگر هیچ‌ ابزاری صرف‌نظر از توان ریکاوری که داشته باشد هم، قادر به بازگردانی اطلاعات شما نخواهد بود. به کمک این نرم افزار جدید و کاربردی، شما می‌توانید حذف فایل‌های خود را ایمن‌تر کنید؛ بدین گونه که نرم افزار فوق می‌تواند با الگوریتم‌هایی پیچیده، فایل‌ها را به شکل غیرقابل بازگشت از سیستم شما حذف نماید. in his article Review: 'SecureDel 1.2'
"SecureDel è una piccola utility per rendere sicura l'eliminazione definitiva dei file. Ha sei algoritmi di eliminazione che permettono di eliminare i file in base alle esigenze. È molto comodo, veloce e non richiede installazione nel computer potendo così essere trasportato ed utilizzato anche tramite chiavetta USB. SecureDel è un software molto potente, veloce e ad alte prestazioni". in his article Review: 'SecureDel'
SecureDel является незаменимым инструментом для безопасного удаления данных, обеспечивая надежную защиту конфиденциальной информации. Благодаря своим возможностям и простоте использования, приложение подходит для широкого круга пользователей. in his article Review: 'SecureDel 1.2.1'
تنزيل أحدث إصدار من SecureDel Free للكمبيوتر الشخصي بنظام ويندوز، نسخة محمولة ومتعددة اللغات. تخيل أن لديك العديد من الملفات على جهاز الكمبيوتر، مثل الصور والمستندات والفواتير. أحيانًا، تحتاج إلى حذف هذه الملفات بشكل نهائي لضمان عدم استرجاعها من قبل أي شخص آخر. هنا يأتي دور برنامج SecureDel! إنه كأداة سحرية تساعدك على حذف الملفات بشكل آمن ودائم. in his article Review: 'Borrado seguro de archivos con la ayuda de SecureDel'
"Uno de sus grandes atractivos es que no requiere instalación. Puedes llevarlo en una memoria USB y ejecutarlo desde cualquier ordenador sin dejar rastro. Esto resulta especialmente útil si estás trabajando en un equipo compartido o en un ordenador público, donde no quieres que queden huellas de la actividad que has realizado." in his article Review: 'SecureDel : cancellare in modo permanente i file su Windows'
"Uno degli strumenti più consigliati per questo compito è SecureDel, una piccola e potente utility per Windows che garantisce la cancellazione permanente dei file. SecureDel si distingue offrendo sei diversi algoritmi di cancellazione che si adattano alle diverse esigenze. Se si sta solo cercando di eliminare rapidamente i file o si ha bisogno di eliminare informazioni altamente sensibili, questo strumento offre sempre l'opzione giusta"

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